London Lumiere

January 18, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

I was not planning to go there. But as it happened I had a job to do nearby and, having all the equipment with me anyway, I gave up to curiosity. It was much hyped event. London Lumiere - festival of light. Well, sort least near King's Cross station. There were just few installations, none of them extremely impressive, nothing that has not been done before, nothing to blow your mind. Nevertheless the fight for good places to set up a tripod was fierce. I guess every London photographer was there. Chinese tourists were there. There was more photo equipment around then on all the photo fairs all over the world combined. Siberian temperature was there, too, so I did not stick around for too long. I did set up my tripod, I admit, but only once. Did short time-lapse, then packed it back in and played with my Olympus OM-D E-M1, testing the image stabilization feature. Also, I did not want to imitate all the photos hundreds of other people were taking, so went the abstract way, mostly. Result is maybe not spectacular, but the event was not so either. But thats me....

And some pics :


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